A pile of notes on scraps of paper

Cultivating Gratitude for a Happier, Healthier Life

Gratitude is good for you. If you want to give yourself a present this year, cultivating a gratitude practice is one that can offer you gifts again and again. Gratitude can help improve your relationships,your physical and psychological health, and your self-esteem. It can enhance empathy, increase mental health and reduce aggression, and also help…

laundry folding meditation

Simple ways to incorporate meditation into your daily life

Meditation comes in many forms and varieties. But all its many paths lead to the same place – inner knowing, access to our wisdom and the ability to focus (and re-focus) our minds. Plus meditation has a host of physical and psychological benefits, including reduced anxiety and blood pressure, improved mood, memory and immune response,…

loving kindness meditation

Loving kindness meditation

One of the things I really like about loving kindness meditation is its practice of compassion. You need compassion—for others and for yourself. Sit in your usual meditation posture. Take three deep breaths, fully inhaling and exhaling. If you like, you can let out your exhales with a big sigh, an audible “aahhhhh!” Allow your…

How to use a pendulum for divining

Pendulums have been used for eons as a way of connecting with Spirit and divining answers to our myriad of questions as we navigate this human experience. They’re simple to use and a way to connect with your intuition. How do pendulums work? Divination using a pendulum really isn’t all that mysterious. The answers come…

how to learn psychometry

Clairsentience part 2: understanding pyschometry

Psychometry – feeling the energy of objects and places – is the second aspect of clairsentience. Clairsentience is the sensing of energy (in the form of emotions and physical feelings) from people, places and objects. Psychometry is sometimes call “soul sensing.” Which makes sense, as it is like you are sensing the soul of an…

Developing your clairsentience

Clairsentience – which means clear sensing or clear feeling – is intuitive or psychic feeling and is closely connected to what we usually think of as intuition. In many ways, it’s a heightened or tuned in form of empathy. Its basis is the ability to tune into the energetic vibrations of people, objects and places…

psychic smelling

Developing your clairalience

Clairalience is intuitive or psychic smelling and means clear smelling. It’s also known as clairolfaction and clairessence (because the word clairalience isn’t strange enough to start with). Clairallience (also sometimes spelled with two ‘l’s)  is an ignored intuitive sense, which is a shame, as it can be very clear and powerful. It’s closely related to…

Developing your psychic tastebuds

Developing your clairgustance

Clairgustance or clairgustience is also known as clear tasting. It’s your intuitive sense of taste. Tastes from Spirit? Really? In short, yes. Information from Spirit, or our own intuition, can come to us through our psychic senses of taste and smell (clairalience), as well as through our inner vision (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), knowing (claircognizance) and…