a chapel next to a field

Allow parts of yourself to lay fallow until their season comes again

Not everything grows all the time. Sunflowers don’t grow in Oregon winters. And oranges don’t ripen in Florida until there’s a cold snap to ripen the fruit. Yet in a life where you can order something online and have it delivered sometimes the very next day, and we often feel the pressing crush of keeping…

Book review: Developing Intuition by Shakti Gawain

Developing your intuition isn’t a linear process. It often happens in fits and starts, with spurts ahead and seeming delays. Developing your intuition is a lot like living life. Developing Intuition: Practical guidance for daily life by Shakti Gawain, is one of the first books I read about developing your intuition, and I recently re-read…

intuition is friendship with yourself

What stops you from trusting and using your intuition and how do you change it?

Your intuition is a wonderful, innate source of knowledge, wisdom and guidance. If only tapping into it and trusting it was easier! Perhaps this sounds familiar: you’re going about your day and get a hunch about something. It could be that you should drive a different way to work, or there’s something going on with…

getting a good psychic reading

What’s your strongest intuitive sense?

We each have our strengths. And that’s OK. Some folks learn better by reading, rather than hearing information, for instance. Some of us are tactile learners and need to get our hands on things. Some people have great eyesight, but poor hearing. Or the other way around. Or they’re just more perceptive with one sense…

Unexpected messages from the universe

You get messages from the universe in your everyday life in all sorts of ways. Sometimes they’re signs or symbols. Sometimes they’re interruptions in your life that cause you to, hopefully, stop and think. When you start working with signs and symbols, you start receiving more of them in your everyday life. The same is…

psychic energy

What’s the difference between psychic, intuitive and mediumship information?

Ever wonder what the difference actually is between psychic abilities, intuition and mediumship? Have you read books or studied religions where one is held higher than the others and considered the “better” ability or the only legitimate one? In my background, Spiritualism, mediumship is lauded as the best thing of all. Psychic abilities (and psychic…

Are you afraid of using your intuition? Here’s why – and what you can do about it

Are you afraid of what you might get if you connect with your intuition? Or what might happen in your life if you follow the information you receive from it? If so, you’re not alone. It’s actually quite common for people to worry about following their intuitive urges and these fears can even stop you from tuning in…