The tricky thing is, the best way to learn how to do mediumship is by doing it, in a safe, nurturing environment like a mediumship development circle. If you live in the Eugene area, there’s only one group like that: the Eugene Mediumship Development Circle, which I started in early 2014, then left in the capable hands of one of its members.
I’d love to host a regular development circle, but evening activities are hard for me, as I have elementary-aged kids who like me to put them to bed (and I like it, too — I’ve got a few more years of this until they’re “too old” for bedtime books and snuggles, so I’m enjoying it while I have it).
So, onto the books.
Everyday Conversations: The Key to the Contemporary Medium: Unlocking the Myths
by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake
Susan and Connie are friends of mine. We essentially became mediums together, with the same group of folks in Rochester, NY. Connie went on to open a fabulous store in Rochester, The Purple Door Soul Source, while I went on to have children. Susan and Connie are lovely people and excellent mediums. Their book is a down-to-earth guide for today’s mediums.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating With Spirits by Rita S. Berkowitz and Deborah S. Romaine
This is one of the first books I read about mediumship and, while the title seems silly, it’s a good, solid book full of useful advice and information. It includes exercises on meeting Spirit Guides and unfolding, some of which I’ve used in development circles.
A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment
by M.H. & E.W. Wallis
This was required reading as part of my mediumship certification through the National Spiritual Association of Churches. It’s a dense text. But it’s thorough.
Those are a few of the books on my bookshelf on mediumship that I think will be helpful to you. If you see a book on mediumship that feels right to you — get it. Trust your intuition. 🙂
I’m interested in Everyday Conversations: The Key to the Contemporary Medium: Unlocking the Myths by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake. Will I become a medium when reading this book?
No book can guarantee that you’ll become a medium, but it is a helpful book in terms of understanding mediumship and beginning to develop your abilities. I know both the authors and they’re great women and mediums.