But getting in touch with your intuition doesn’t always feel easy. It can be hard to quiet your mind enough to hear your still small voice speak — and to understand what it has to say.
Meditation is a great tool to connect with your intuition. I’m forever going on about the benefits of meditation and ways to meditate, whether that’s incorporating meditation into your daily life or setting aside time to practice mindfulness meditation.
But, let’s face it, meditation can be difficult for those of us with busy, active, distracted minds.
That’s why I came up with the idea (or my intuition gave me the idea) of developing a coloring book for adults.
Meditation through coloring
My Intuitive Symbols Coloring Book does a couple of things. First, it helps you get into a meditative state by the simple act of picking up a pen or pencil and coloring. Coloring focuses your attention. It quiets your mind.
Even if you start out busy and distracted, determined to just get the page colored already, you’ll eventually calm down and release your stress and anxiety as you go through the soothing motions of coloring shapes and choosing new colors. You can’t do it wrong. Even if you go outside the lines.
Understanding intuitive symbols
The other thing that happens is that while you’re a peaceful, meditative state, your intuition is able to open and speak to you. And your intuition often speaks in symbols. Symbols are the language of Spirit. The more you understand what different symbols mean to you, the more you can understand what your intuition is saying and the clearer those messages become.
The coloring book has a plethora of everyday symbols, surrounded by graceful, flowing artwork, for you to color in and meditate on. As you color, you may find your personal meaning to the symbols, which you can write in the spaces below.
Intuitive Symbols Coloring Book debuted as the #1 New Release in Spiritual Meditations on Amazon.com.
Learn more about the book and take a look inside in this video.
Blessed Be and Happy Solstice. I have prophetic dreams. The ones that repeat are the ones that come true. Since childhood, I have had nightmares about driving over a bridge that breaks under me; about a broken staircase I can’t get down; an elevator that suddenly starts shaking like crazy, falling; a railroad bridge fallen into a river I have to cross, but it’s too dangerous.
Beltaine night, I dreamed of a regional disaster, a narrow escape. . . and a date. SEPTEMBER 25TH. This has never happened before. My guardians have heard me bitching for years that I’ll get the itinerary, but not the schedule. All these things above could happen during a major earthquake, like the one predicted for the west coast Cascadia Subduction Zone. I will be in Redmond that weekend.
What information/feelings/dreams have you and your circle received about this fall?? Am I nuts? If September 25th comes and goes and nothing happens, it will be the greatest day of my life. With this being a possibility, I’d much rather be crazy than right.
Be safe.
First, you’re not nuts.
Second, you know that you’ll be OK. (Narrow or not, an escape is still an escape.)
So keep breathing.
Also keep in mind that a date, even a specific one, doesn’t imply a year. Will there be an earthquake in this region? Yes. At some point. My sense is that it’s not too far into the future, but it’s not this year. I see it happening too, but my kids are older than they are now. And it may not be as severe as some people worry. I don’t think we’re going to get the worst case scenario, and I know that living in fear of it won’t help anyone’s outcome.
You may also be seeing events happening in another part of the world.
That said, I’m a practical person. My neighborhood is offering block captain training in the event of emergencies such as earthquakes, which I think I’ll take this summer. Being prepared (while not being afraid) is a good idea overall. And then you go on with your life, day by day, knowing you are loved and protected.