- “Buddy Guy fan gets own shot at glory” from The Register-Guard
- “Brothers Comatose’s house music comes from their folks” from The Register-Guard
- “Curtis Salgado reunites with Eugene with Friday CD release show” from The Register-Guard
- “Funky Lettuce lays down tasty licks together in Eugene” from The Register-Guard
- “Meet the World’s Finest chameleons” for The Register-Guard
- “Metric’s less-than-measured response to musical success” for The Register-Guard
- “STS9 captures the ‘magic of being in the moment’” for The Register-Guard
- “nightlife: Buckle up for ‘Bee-Eater music’” for Rochester insider
- “nightlife: Chicks dig guys in lab coast and thick glasses” for Rochester insider “nightlife: A poet’s grace, a singer’s voice” for Rochester insider
- “Eugene chef wins game of ‘Cutthroat’” from The Register-Guard
- “Ah, sweet beets” from The Register Guard
- “So many ways to have fun with fungi” for The Register-Guard
- “A Century of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables” for Lane Monthly
- “tastes: It’s time for martinis” for Rochester insider
- “Growing Generations of Food” for Lane Monthly
People and Community
- “Annual Whiteaker Thanksgiving Dinner Brings Community Together” for Lane Monthly “Facing Change With Courage” for Lane Monthly “The Community of the Saw ” for Lane Monthly
- “Jackson County’s best friends” for Crossroads Chronicle “Watching fires, years roll by from Hogback” for Crossroads Chronicle
Environment and Nature
- “Be a Joiner with the Obsidians” for Lane Monthly
- “Cardboard recycled within county” for Crossroads Chronicle
- “Much plastic recycled to ‘wood’” for Crossroads Chronicle
- “I have a novel addiction” for Crossroads Chronicle
- “home: Holiday decor – less is more” for Rochester insider
- “travel: A big trip to the Big Apple” for Rochester insider
- “Foggy streak” for Crossroads Chronicle
- “Joke turns into aluminum yule tree museum” for Crossroads Chronicle