I remember visiting the Lily Dale Museum in the Spiritualist Community of Lily Dale, NY, years ago when I first began studying Spiritualism and mediumship. Among other things, they had twirled up spoons and forks on display as a manifestation of the power of Spirit. I bought one as a souvenir. I still have it.
But I never tried it for myself until recently.

A local Spiritual friend and colleague, Miche Meizner, started teaching spoon bending recently. I watched her videos explaining the process and gave it a try. The spoon bent, using less force than seemed like it would be necessary, but I was a little disappointed in the result. I consoled myself with the knowledge that the spoon was a thick one, just about impossible to bend using normal means without damaging my hands (I know because I tried it).

Then I went to a spoon bending demonstration Miche gave at a CUUPs event in March and brought my kids along. We all bent spoons. Mine even twirled. It was great to see the kids experience the shift in energy that happens right when the spoon gets soft and pliable and easy to bend.
This is what my 10-year-old son had to say about it:
At first, it was difficult and frustrating because I couldn’t do it. But then as soon as I did it once, it felt like I could do it another time and another time and another time and it was really fun. It was easy once you started.
It felt like a hard object at first before I bent the spoon. Then as I bent the spoon it felt 20 times weaker and then it just went flop and I could bend it.
I felt very accomplished.
How do you do spoon bending
There are several methods you can use to bend spoons. The most important thing is to get out of your own way and allow it to happen.
First, get a spoon you don’t mind bending. I like to go to thrift stores and buy spoons and forks. Choose a spoon that’s not so thin and weak you can easily bend it with just muscle strength, but not so incredibly thick that you need some kind of machinery to bend it (the name of which currently escapes me).
Find a comfortable spot in your house or apartment. Take a deep breath in. Now let it out. Focus your energy and attention.
Know that only your highest and best good will come to you. 🙂 Set your intention. “I can bend this spoon.”
Hold the spoon in both your hands. Flex it a little and feel the natural resistance of the metal.
You’ll know your spoon is ready to bend when it feels pliable. The metal will soften and become like taffy. Ever seen hard candy being made? When it’s at a certain temperature, it’s soft and pliable, able to be stretched. But when it cools, it sets, becoming hard. The spoon will feel like that. It’ll get soft for a moment or two, maybe a few seconds, then it’ll firm up again.
Counting (and breathing)
Decide that, when you get to your fifth exhale, the spoon is going to bend for you.
Inhale 1. Exhale.
Inhale 2. Exhale.
Inhale 3. Exhale.
Inhale 4. Exhale.
Inhale 5. Exhale, applying a little pressure to the spoon. It’s ready to bend when it feels pliable and soft. If it doesn’t want to give, that’s OK. Keep breathing. If it does bend, keep bending and twisting it for as long as it feels soft. Then stop and take a look.
Getting excited
Some people like to command the spoon to bend. As you hold the spoon and breathe, say, “Bend, spoon, Bend!” You can repeat this several times until the spoon becomes pliable.
You can also try jumping up and down to raise your energy. Or even shouting. (I don’t like shouting at spoons myself, but it works for some folks.)
Singing to the spoon
Do you know the tune, “Sun, sun, Mr. golden sun, please shine down on me?” Sometimes I like to sing to my spoon: “Spoon, spoon, happy Mr. spoon, please will you bend for me?”
It sounds ridiculous, but it works. The combination of song and the silliness of it raises my vibration (and that of the spoon) and distracts me enough to allow the spoon to bend.
Realize that everything is energy
My most successful way of bending spoons is knowing that everything in this world is made up of energy. It just vibrates at different frequencies. The spoon is more solid than me. But it doesn’t have to be. People in Spirit are less solid than me, but I raise the frequency of my vibration (and my intuitive senses) to be able to sense them and communicate with them (and in turn, they do some work on their end).
Hold the spoon in both hands.
Become aware of the energy of your own body. Feel the energy of your aura, right around your body, extending out from you just a little.
Extend your energy to the spoon. Allow the spoon to become infused with your energy.
Know that we are all one, from the same source energy, all connected.
Know that just as you can bend the fingers of your hand, so too can you bend the spoon. Imagine it as part of your body, part of your hand.
Give it a test, then, when it feels soft, bend it.
Why would you want to bend spoons?
OK, so spoons get soft and pliable and you can bend them with less than the normal amount of strength it would seem to require. So what? Why would anyone want to do this?
Spoon bending does a few things for me:
It helps me focus my energy. I can only bend spoons when I’m in a quiet, focused frame of mind.
It reminds me that we’re all energy and that all energy is connected.
I feel connected to Spirit.
It makes me ponder what else is possible. When I’m having a hard moment or something feels too difficult to surmount, I look at my twisted up cutlery and think, “Huh, well, that wasn’t impossible. I did that. I can do this too.”
As my then-8-year-old daughter said:
It felt really really good. It felt like I was lifted from everything bad. It felt like great amazingness when I was in the process of bending it.
Here’s a short video explaining the methods of bending spoons.