Psychometry: Reading the Energy of Objects

Mediumship is the means by which many forms of psychic phenomena are expressed – clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience — and psychometry are several of its phases. Psychometry can be practiced by anyone wishing to develop mediumship skills. It can be done anywhere with everyday objects.

What is Psychometry

Psychometry is a form of mediumship that often occurs withPyschometry in jewelry other forms, such as clairvoyance. Psychometry is sometimes called “soul sensing,” and it is, in essence, sensing the soul of an object. It is intuitively and clairsentiently tuning into that object and picking up its history and emotional aura.

How Pyschometry Was Discovered

Psychometry was discovered in the mid 1800s by Dr. Joseph Rodes Buchanan, a practicing physician in Ohio. Buchanan concluded that anything that comes in contact with someone leaves an invisible but everlasting impression on that object. Dr. Buchanan conducted series of experiments to discern the true nature of psychometry. The experiment that lead him to this conclusion involved giving test subjects blank sheets of paper upon which correspondence to him had been written. The subjects were able to tell him, with startling accuracy, information about the letter writers whom they had never met.

How Psychometry Works

There are a couple of different theories about how psychometry actually works. One theory, put forth by German physician Gustav Pagenstecher, says that mediums tune into the object in order to be able to read it. Another theory by Eugene Osty, a French physician, says that the object is needed only as a catalyst in the beginning and, after that, the medium can continue the reading without being in contact with it.

Developing Psychometry Abilities

Psychometry can be a great tool for beginning mediums to develop their abilities. It allows a student to consciously analyze their progress—which can be encouraging for an unfolding medium. It’s simple and completely safe. All you’re doing is holding an object and intuitively sensing its history. Psychometry can also be used to look into the future, not just the past of an object.

Problems when Practicing Psychometry

There are some pitfalls and sources of error that may occur when starting to practice psychometry. The first is the problem of what we might automatically associate with a particular object. A ring or wedding band, for example, makes us think of relationships and our own perceptions of marriage that may color the reading. Secondly, it’s possible that the owner of the object may telepathically transmit the information they want the medium to pick up on. Lastly, as with all mediumship, symbols that are received during a reading may be misinterpreted to mean something else entirely than what was intended.

How to Practice Psychometry

  • Set up your environment so that you are comfortable. Sitting down in quiet environment with ambient lighting is best
  • Obtain an object from a friend of family member
  • Hold the object in your hands and close your eyes
  • Quietly concentrate on the object for 5-10 minutes
  • As you concentrate on the object, open your inner senses to pick up emotions, intuitions and sensations that you get from the energy within the object. Make a mental note of them.
  • Write down your impressions and ask the person whose object it is to verify them

Sometimes you’ll be accurate, sometimes not. Psychometry is an ability that can be developed with time, practice and patience. You are tuning into the object’s psychic energy, which takes time to be able to do accurately and easily.

Source: Morris Pratt Institute Educational Course on Modern Spiritualism, Lesson 14
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