Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is the ability to hear messages and information from Spirit in the form of music, sounds or voices. It’s one of the several intuitive senses including clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairgustience/clairgustance (clear tasting), clairallience/clairalience (clear smelling), clairsentience (clear feeling) and claircognizance (clear knowing).

How does clairaudience manifest?

Clairaudience feels different to different people. However you experience it is OK.

Clairaudience can be heard with your physical or intuitive ears. When heard with your intuitive ears, clairaudience can best be described as sounding like a memory of hearing (much as clairvoyance seen with your intuitive third eye is like the memory of sight). But, some mediums do hear clairaudience information with their physical ears as well.

How do you know if you’re clairaudient?

Here are some experiences that people with intuitive hearing abilities tend to have:

You have a tendency to talk to yourself

You calm yourself down after a stressful event with self-talk or talk through situations and problems aloud. You also find yourself answering out loud to questions you didn’t actually ask.

You hear messages that sound like they’re meant just for you

You hear a particular line in a song on the radio, something your minister or pastor says, a snatch of overheard conversation or something a friend says, and know it was meant for you as a message from Spirit (this is also your overall intuition at work here).

You easily identify people by their voice

It is like each person has a unique energy signature.

You’re sensitive to sounds and notice them.

Too much noise tends to overwhelm you and you like to be in a quiet environment.

You tend to receive ideas in your head as if your mind is talking to you.

This often occurs while doing everyday tasks while your mind is otherwise occupied.

You hear noises in the distance, the radio, talking or whispering, often without an obvious physical source of the noise

This is especially likely to happen when you are quiet, such as falling asleep. This can also manifest as knocking, creaking or footsteps when there’s no one else around. If you find this uncomfortable, ask Spirit to pipe down. The people or animals around you can also sometimes hear these sounds.

You hear someone say your name when there’s no one around

You enjoy listening to music and feel better when you do

How do you know you’re not insane?

If you receive information through clairaudience, are you going mad or hearing Spirit? Good news – it’s fairly easy to tell.

First, ask Spirit for your highest and best good and only that. Ground yourself. Then think about what you hear.

Is the information you receive positive and helpful (or at least neutral)?

Communication from Spirit (if you ask for your highest good and set your boundaries) is meant to help and uplift you. Spirit doesn’t want you to harm yourself or others. And Spirit doesn’t use the word, “should.”

Do you hear voices continuously or intermittently?

Communication from Spirit isn’t usually a constant thing. It takes effort on your part and theirs to communicate, so messages are usually brief and to the point — a word, a phrase, a name.

Do they engage in a genuine dialog with you and provide helpful information?

Communication from Spirit is usually gentle, helpful and kind. You can use clairaudience to find answers to questions and get information about your life and your path.

If you tell them to stop, do they stop?

You can control what you receive from Spirit. If you want it to stop, tell it to stop. You get to set your boundaries.

If this is what your clairaudient experience is like, then you’re fine. If you aren’t able to control the voices you hear, they tell you to do destructive things or they scare you, talk to a medical professional.

How do you develop your clairaudience abilities?

Here are some ways you can develop and learn to control your intuitive hearing abilities.

Listen to the sounds in the room

Focusing on and developing your physical hearing, helps to open and develop your intuitive hearing.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Focus on the sounds in the room right now. What do you hear immediately around you? Extend your hearing – what do you hear beyond your immediate surroundings? How far can you stretch your ears? Where are the sounds coming from?

Listen to music

This exercise helps you to tune into a specific frequency, which allows you to receive messages louder and more clearly.

Choose a piece of music you like. Classical music works well, but any tune will do. Pick out one instrument in the song and follow it throughout the piece. Stay with it as it comes and goes, gets quieter and louder throughout the song.

Imagine sounds

This exercise strengthens your intuitive hearing muscles, allowing them to hear sounds from Spirit more easily.

This is a similar exercise to my clairvoyance developing exercises. Imagine different sounds – a car, a piano, a baby laughing, a favorite song, a loved one’s voice.

Clairaudience opening meditation

This meditation helps to open your inner, intuitive ears.

Go into your favorite kind of meditation, breathing slowly and deeply.

Visualize a ball of energy over each of your ears – you can make it any color that appeals to you. I like to call these balls of energy: energy earmuffs. As this energy enters your ears, it warms and softens your intuitive hearing, opening you to hearing information from Spirit.

Throat chakra opening meditation

Clairvoyance is connected to your throat chakra and your communication centers. This meditation opens your fifth chakra, your throat chakra, helping you receive clairaudient information. This is similar to the sixth chakra/third-eye opening meditation, and can also be done in 5-10 minutes.

Sit quietly, both feet flat on the floor, back straight but relaxed. Breath slowly and fully.

Visualize pure, white light entering the crown of your head. Let it fill your entire head and throat with light.

Now imagine a blue, sapphire gem in the center of your throat. This is your throat chakra. Allow the blue gem to absorb the white light. Let the light fill it and energize it, as it it’s being lit up from within.

As your throat chakra becomes more and more vibrant, let the brilliant blue light spill out from the gem and expand to fill the entire room around you. With your mind’s eye, see the entire room filled with beautiful blue light.

Continue to visualize your fifth chakra energized and full of light for as long as it’s comfortable. Then return your awareness to the room around you, wiggle your fingers and toes and, when you’re ready, open your eyes.

Clairaudience focusing exercise

As your clairaudience ability unfolds and develops, you’ll want to learn how to control it. How to receive messages more clearly and strongly and how to connect with the information you want.

Think of your clairaudience ability as if it is a radio receiver, able to pick up and tune into different frequencies. Imagine scanning up and down the band, seeing which frequencies pick up a signal. When you hear something, but it’s not distinct or understandable, you can tune in more closely by fine-tuning. Turn the little dial on the side of the radio until the signal becomes clear.

If the signal seems clear, but is too soft, turn up the volume dial. If it’s too loud, turn the volume down (or ask the Spirits to step back a little).

If the information you’re getting doesn’t make sense, tune into a different station.

And, when you’ve finished practicing or receiving information, turn your psychic radio off.

Learn to develop your clairaudience and all your psychic senses in my engaging online course, Open Your Intuitive Senses.

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