Clairalience is intuitive or psychic smelling and means clear smelling. It’s also known as clairolfaction and clairessence (because the word clairalience isn’t strange enough to start with).

Clairallience (also sometimes spelled with two ‘l’s)  is an ignored intuitive sense, which is a shame, as it can be very clear and powerful.

It’s closely related to clairgustance/clairgustience (clear tasting). Just like our physical senses of smell and taste are closely related, so are our intuitive or psychic senses of clear tasting and smelling.

It’s also very much connected with our memory and carries with it a powerful emotional component, linking it to clairsentience (clear feeling).

Our senses of smell and taste are primal senses, strongly related to our survival instinct. While clairalience and clairgustance are connected to your fifth chakra at your throat, they are also connected to your root chakra.

What information can your clairalience give you?

Like any other intuitive sense, you can get specific information about a loved one in Spirit through clairalience. You may smell their perfume and immediately sense a connection to them. Or another smell associated with them — cigarette smoke, engine grease or cinnamon rolls.

Clear smelling can also happen in conjunction with other intuitive senses — such as smelling baked goods and also getting the taste of them in your mouth. Or smelling and seeing smoke.

How do you experience clairalience?

Smells from Spirit often come through immediately after a loved one has passed.

Similar to clairaudience, you may be the only person aware of the smell. Or others around you may smell it also. Two people might also experience the same smell when talking on the phone about a loved one in Spirit even though they aren’t in the same location.

You can also smell energy. Ever heard the phrases, “Something smells off here” or “I smell a rat”? We know there’s a connection between our intuition and our smell. This is a type of synesthesia, where smells translate directly to something else – such as color or frequency of energy (or vice versa). In this way, you can smell where energy is blocked or the body is experiencing disease.

Developing your clairalience

Just as with any other of the intuitive versions of our physical senses, information comes through to us based on experiences we’ve previously had in our lives. So the more experiences you have in your smell database, the more information Spirit and your spirit guides have to use to work with you.

Smell everything

Yes, smell the roses. Smell the fruits vegetables at the supermarket (it’s also a good way to tell if they’re ripe and ready to eat). Smell your pets and your kids. Allow yourself to become aware of the smells around you.

Free your sense of smell

Over-salting your food deadens your sense of taste. Covering everything in perfume does the same thing to your sense of smell. (It’s also not particularly good for you, especially if you have any chemical sensitivities, which intuitive/psychic folks often do.)

Use unscented detergent. Opt for fragrances derived from natural oils. Be aware of the perfumes in your everyday life, from body and beauty products to your handwash.

Strengthen your sense of smell

This exercise helps you strengthen your physical sense of smell to heighten your intuitive smell. Visualizing sights, sounds, tastes and smells strengthens their related intuitive senses.

There are a couple of ways you can do this.

Option 1: Look in magazines and cut out images of different objects with a scent, e.g. pizza, oranges, lavender, garbage, whatever strikes your fancy.

Option 2: Look up images online on your phone, tablet or computer.

Once you have some images ready, get into a calm, relaxed, meditative state. Take deep breaths and allow your conscious awareness to move inside yourself.

Look at each object in turn and allow yourself to experience its smell.

Practice picking up clairscent

This exercise works best in a small group setting or with a partner.

Sitting in a circle or across from your partner, go into a meditative state with the intention of opening up and developing your intuitive sense of smell.

First, bring your conscious awareness inside yourself and settle your energy. Then, allow your conscious awareness to extend out to another person in the circle, or to your partner. Imagine yourself breathing in the energy around them.

As you breath in their energy, ask to receive smell impressions. What do you smell and connect with? If you also receive information in the form of taste, sounds or images or colors, that’s OK. If so, what does that color smell like? What does the taste smell like?

Record your impressions, then withdraw your conscious awareness from their energy field and allow yourself a deep cleansing breath. Then move on to the next person in the circle until you’re done.

Share your impressions. You might find — as I did when I did this exercise in a development circle — that several people in the circle will get the same smells, colors and impressions for a particular person. This under-rated intuitive sense can really be remarkable.

Open your first (root) and fifth (throat) chakras

To open your root chakra, go through the same meditation visualization as you do for any of your other chakras (see the third-eye opening or throat-opening chakra meditations).

In a grounded, meditative state, allow the pure, white light of Spirit to enter into your crown, filling your body with light. Imagine a red ruby deep in your sacrum – between your perineum and your tailbone.

Allow the white light to awaken and energize the ruby, lighting it up from within. As it becomes brighter and brighter, it grows and expands, filling the entire room around you with beautiful, vibrant red light. Hold this image for as long as it feels comfortable. You should feel a sense of expansiveness in this area of your body and may even have a feeling of throbbing or pulsing.

Our root chakra can sometimes become blocked through traumatic experiences, so if it doesn’t feel ready to open immediately, give yourself time and compassion. Keep sending it love and allowing it to fill with white light until it feels ready to unfurl naturally and easily.

More reading;

Here’s an interesting article on clairalience and how both our physical and psychic sense of smell works.


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