mediumship success

Set yourself up for mediumship success

The attitude and intent with which you start something set the tone for how that experience is likely to unfold. How can you prepare yourself to successfully develop your intuitive mediumship abilities? Here are a number of ways you can set yourself up for success. Know your intent Get clear on why you want to…

grounded tree

How to get and keep yourself grounded

What is grounding? Grounding is connecting your energy to the natural energy field of the Earth. When you don’t feel grounded, you can feel spacey, dizzy, off-balance, shaky, dazed. Things may have a quality of being unreal. When you’re grounded, you live in the present moment, connected in with your physical body and the energy…

The Four Agreements for spiritual development

Book recommendation: The Four Agreements for your spiritual development

Spiritual development takes time. That’s something we should be clear about upfront. No single book is going to change your life just by reading it. Even amazing books – and The Four Agreements is one of those – have to be implemented. And taking action takes time. A long-term spiritual development plan That said, The…

grieving person

Book recommendation: healing from grief and loss with the Grief Recovery Handbook

It may seem odd to talk about grief recovery in relation to mediumship and intuition development, but grief and incomplete loss come up over and over again in my work. Consider someone in their late 60s, married to the same partner for more than 40 years, and recently widowed. There’s understandably a lot of grief…

control your mediumship abilities

What you get from developing your mediumship abilities

Some of the benefits of developing your mediumship abilities seem obvious: You get to converse with the “dead”! You can give messages to people. You might even be able to earn a living as a professional medium. But there are also other reasons to develop your mediumship abilities, whether they are just beginning to slowly…